Friday, August 20, 2010

Two Week Wait

Today starts my two week wait. Two more weeks before I will know if the Follistim worked. Two more weeks before I will find out whether this month is THE month. Will I have a BFP (big fat positive) or BFN (big fat negative) when I POAS (pee on a stick) in two weeks?

This TWW is going to be torture! I've endured a year full of TWW's. Actually probably about 8 or 9 of them over the last year b/c when you have PCOS your periods are not a regular 28 days. Anyways, every month it was the same... I'd get so excited. I'd start imagining that I was having pregnancy symptoms. I knew that month was THE month. Only, it wasn't.

This month it's different. This cycle we worked with a fertility doctor. This cycle we took fertility shots. This cycle IS different. This cycle I took a shot that MADE me ovulate. The rest of it - easy. The reason we have not fallen preggers is just b/c I was not ovulating. So... this month - has to be THE month.

I'm afraid to get my hopes up.

Yet I am trying to think positive. 

And it is SO easy to get your hopes up. I've started taking over the counter pre-natal vitamins again. I've been drinking a lot of water. I'm starting to limit my caffeine intake. I'm doing all the "right" things to make sure that if I did 'O' that this month will be a success.

The TWW is hard.


SkyMommy said...

Thinking happy baby thoughts for you. Hope this is the month.

Mrs. O said...

I can't imagine how hard this is. I'm 28 as well, not quite ready to start TTC but I definitely want to have children. All the best to you!
Mrs. O

Anonymous said...

Gosh i wish you all the luck in the world. I am so thankful i didn't have to go through that monthly angst and false belief. Fingers and toes firmly crossed.


Momma Wilson said...

hoping the follistim did the trick for you, it made Jackson for us:)

Autumn said...

WIshing you the best! It will happen, even if not this time around. Just keep your chin up and think positively. You are doing all that you can, and your child will be so blessed to have you as a mommy! Big hugs your way!

Lindsay said...

Thank you SO much for all the warm wishes! And, Mama Wilson? THANK YOU for that success story!! Just what I need to hear right now! =)

Anonymous said...

ugh, girl I hated waiting too!!! actually i hate waiting for anything, btw "where's my damn hairspray already!"
anytime you wanna tweet to get your mind off of it (even if it's at night, i'll make a special exception for you!) you let me know, i'm there!

Momma Wilson said...

no problem:) let me know if you have any questions!

Lindsay said...

Hey Mama Wilson! Are you on Twitter? Do we follow each other???? Lol

Michelle said...

Sending out lots of good baby thoughts for you. I hope you get to add to your family!

Mama B said...

Just fyi... I start POAS about 5 days post O. It's shown a faint line all 5 times for me ;-). (5 preggers = 2 daughters) (*but it may not for everyone!) BIG BABY DUST!!!

OT and ET said...

Thinking of you! Otto is a folistim baby! Haha, sounds so creepy, but anyways it does get the job done! Keep busy during your 2ww and I hope you're able to not stress and stay distracted! xo

Momma Wilson said...

Hey, yep we follow each other;)

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