Before I tell you about my upcoming weekend marathon filled with parties, food, and football I must share with you ...
The gift basket I put together for my stepsister's baby shower
The sweet pinkness that I couldn't resist...
One of the 3 pregnant women in my family (who doesn't know their baby's sex yet - actually 4 pregnancies.. ) has to have a girl!
Ok, now time for some randomness...
My darling, sweet husband started RCIA classes last night. RCIA stands for Rights of Catholic Initiation for Adults. I'm Catholic. Riley's Catholic. John & I were married in a Catholic church. We attended Catholic marriage prep classes. He completed an annulment of his first marriage through the Catholic Church. We attend Catholic mass on Sundays. The boys have went to PSR (Parish School of Religion) classes the last two years. This year both boys are on track to make their first holy communion this year, which is a Catholic sacrament. Just one problem - Khegan has to be baptized first. In order for him to be baptized he must be presented for baptism by a Catholic parent - stepparents don't count. So my wonderful, loving husband is making an eight month commitment to complete the RCIA classes so Khegan can be baptized. Why? Because it's important to me! I love that man.
More randomness...
I'm tired.
I 'm not getting enough rest.
I know this because I'm tired.
Riley is sick.
Or, possibly, faking sick.
Not sure which it is.
I should be cleaning my house right now...
for the parties (yes plural) this weekend.
My weekend schedule...
Friday after work I need to 1) Pick up a couple things at the grocery store 2) Clean my house 3) Make an ice cream cake (very easy - maybe a blog post?) 4) Bake a regular cake, and 5) Prep all the food and munchies I'm making for the OSU vs. Miami football party. Saturday at noon is Khegan's birthday party. Saturday morning I need to wrap his gifts, prep food some more, make sure house is still clean, and then at noon the fun begins. The footbal party immediately follows the birthday party starting at 3:30pm.
Did I mention I will have my mom and one of my sisters spending the night at my house on Saturday too?
Sunday morning we will have to go to 9:30 mass (we usually go to noon mass) because of my stepsister's baby shower that starts at 1pm. It's being held in the community center clubhouse in my neighborhood. But I digress... After mass is the boys first PSR class this year. Actually, it is a parent information sesscion and it will run from 10:40 til 11:15. Then I will need to rush home to help set up the baby shower. It will probably be four o'clock before that's all wrapped up.
So that'll give me just enough time left to straighten up the mess from Saturday and maybe blog.