Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How I Became Addicted to Twitter

It all started last November, when I began tossing around my age-old dream of writing a book. I had always wanted to write a book, but I never had any good book ideas. I know me, and I know that in order to devote the time and effort to write a book, the subject would have to be something that I’m truly passionate about.

One morning, during my husband’s “busy season” at work, while I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to get the boys dressed and out the door, it occurred to me that I am A New Breed of Mom. It occurred to me that I, like most other moms today, am somehow different than my mom and, really, all other generations of moms that have come before me. That morning, an idea sparked in my head. When I write my book, it will be about A New Breed of Mom.

My idea, at least initially, had faded, just as quickly as it had come to the forefront of my mind. Then, in April, after things in my life had slowed down a little bit, and just when I was starting to feel a little too comfortable and too complacent with my life, the idea came rushing back. I would feed my need to feel productive, and successful, by finally writing my book.

Oh, but wait, who am I? I can’t just run out and write a book and expect for a publisher to notice me, and to see me for what I really am – a diamond in the ruff. No, I would have to have a platform upon which to sell my book. Hmmm…. What I needed was a website, a blog - a place to start publishing my thoughts, advice, and experience about being A New Breed of Mom.

Then, presto! A New Breed of Mom was born!

You’re probably asking yourself, what does this have to do with Twitter? Well, I’ll tell you.

After A New Breed of Mom blog was up and running, I needed to figure out a way to generate some traffic for this site. I had heard of Twitter. My baby sister was on Twitter. But, I didn’t know if it was right for me. A social media marketing and networking sight? Did I have it in me to be that technologically savvy?

If you would have asked me a year ago what Twitter was, I wouldn’t have had the first clue. After several weeks of hearing the constant buzz on the T.V. and radio about “Twitter this” and “Twitter that” and “Follow so and so on Twitter”, I finally broke down and asked my youngest sister - what the heck was Twitter?! Initially, after being explained the concept, I said, “Nope. That’s not for me. I’m not a social media marketing kind of person.”

Ok, back to the somewhat present time. I needed a way to promote my blog. My sister said, join Twitter. It’s a little hard to catch onto, but you’ll love it. Ok. I will do it. I will join Twitter.

Then, I joined Twitter.

At first it was just about finding other ‘mommy bloggers’. Then it was about posting links to promote my articles. Then, it was about gaining followers. Now, it’s about having a network of, dare I say it, friends, who all share my interest in blogging about motherhood, parenthood, and the experiences of being a mother in today’s technologically advanced world.

Yes, my friends, I am addicted to Twitter. Are you?


Krista @ Not Mommy of the Year said...

YES. I am. And what's really weird is I find myself checking Twitter to see what my internet friends are doing more often than checking Facebook to see what people I know "in real life" are doing.

Jessi Arias-Cooper said...

I'm totally Twitter-pated. I just started, too and now I'm to the point where I have a few friends that I talk to every day. I feel lousy when people don't respond. It's become personal.

Jessi Arias-Cooper said...

I'm totally with Krista! I do the same thing. It makes the day go by faster, and is a lot less lonely.

Lindsay said...

Couldn't have said it better myself, ladies! Twitter is addicting. I am always wanting to 'check in', just for a minute..., so I know what my Twitter friends are up to. And when my friends that I talk to every day aren't 'around', I miss them!

Genina said...

I'm so addicted we're considering cutting off our cable. #nuffsaid ;)

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