Tweet much? If you do, then this post is for you! Whether you are new to
Twitter or a veteran
Tweeter, there are some common courtesies you should be aware of whenever you are interacting with folks in the
Today I did my research for this blog post by asking my
Tweeps about their biggest #PetPeeve when it comes to #TwitterEtiquette. Before I reveal to you the biggest Twitter
faux pas that people commonly make, I will review some #TwitterBasics, #TwitterTerms, and #TwitterTools that you will find most helpful.
# =
Hashtag Use this to identify and search for special topics
RT =
Retweet Your Tweets repeated by others
140 = The max number of characters in a Tweet
(hint: use less than 140 so ppl can RT)
@ = Mention - One of your
Tweeples is tweeting
at you!
(hint: no space after @ ie. @NewBreedMama)
*italics* = Use the * symbol before and after a word for emphasis, OR
to symbolize action *blushing*
::Hugs:: = Expression of love and support
#TwitterTerms (and commonly used lingo)
MM =
Mention Monday #MM
FF =
Follow Friday #FF
Wordless Wednesday = Specific to Mommy Bloggers >> Post with Pic Only
Thx4RT! = Thank you for the retweet
WOOT! = Hooray, Yippee, Yahoo
SQUEE = How exciting or "Look at me! I'm a cheerleader!" Lol - you get the picture
LOL = Laughing out loud. If you don't know that one, we may have a wee problem... #JustSayin
LMAO = Laughing my ass off!
ROTFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off!
Shout Out = Acknowledging someone
(ie. Here's a shout out to @MaryBeauty for giving me the idea for this post!)
HooteSuite &
TweetDeck = Apps to help you tweet more efficiently
Qwitter = Find out who "
unfollowed" you
Friend or Follow = Find out if your followers follow back
Lists = Make Lists for ppl you follow the most
Random Helpful Hint: Those links at the bottom of a tweet - they help you follow the conversation.
That's just some basic information to help you get started with Twitter. Keep in mind that when tweeting in 140 character phrases everything is in shorthand. :) And
emoticons are used A LOT. =) If you don't know what something means, feel free to ask. Your tweeples will help you out! My best advice for getting more followers is to
join the conversation!!
And with no further ado...
#TwitterEtiquette and #PetPeeves (Faux pas you don't want to make!)
If someone @'s you, do NOT ignore them. I mean, we all know that it can be easy to overlook a tweet here or there, but to CONSTANTLY ignore someone tweeting directly at you - SO not cool. Especially, ESPECIALLY if you tweet with them often!
If you tweet with someone regularly, follow them. Don't be a #TwitterSnob. Nuff said.
Tweet more than just links!! Ok so maybe around 30-40% of your tweets can be links to your site, other sites, you blog, etc. But if ALL you tweet is links, you'll get unfollowed quicker than you can say #FollowFriday.
No spamming! No one wants to follow a spammer.
Auto DM's from TrueTwit... Annoying a hell.
Auto DM's are ANNOYING!! Period. Especially if they are self-promoting links.
Be original! If ALL or MOST of your tweets are RTs no one will pay attention. If you continue to rephrase the same tweets over and over again, BORING!
Follow Back Y'all!! If you create a Twitter Follow
Linky, then follow the people that link up, k?
Keep private information private. Common sense people! No weird sex talk, etc. That is the CORRECT use for DMs #WeirdSexTalk.
Don't be an ASSHOLE. Be polite. Be courteous. Be respectful. Once you tweet, it's out there.
Paid Tweets! Ok, I can see the temptation in this. Actually, I am guilty of Sponsored Tweeting (I even have a button on my blog *puts head down*) BUT if ALL of your tweets are SPONSORED - who is going to want to follow you? Really?
Twitter is a fun social networking tool. Just tweet with care & avoid these common faux pas to make the most out of your tweets. And don't forget to
Would love to know your thoughts! Was this article helpful? Did I miss any of your #PetPeeves? Comment below and join the conversation. While you are here, I would love it if you'd take time to follow my blog with GFC and to Follow me on Twitter @NewBreedMama.